Santa Barbara Poets Laureate

The Santa Barbara Poet Laureate is selected by a formal process. The poet serves a two-year term which begins in April, coinciding with National Poetry Month. More about the Santa Barbara Poet Laureate Program here.

Santa Barbara has recognized the following poets as laureates:

  1. Barry Spacks (2005-2007)
  2. Perie Longo (2007-2009)
  3. David Starkey (2009-2011)
  4. Paul J. Willis (2011-2013)
  5. Chryss Yost (2013-2015)
  6. Sojourner Kincaid Rolle (2015-2017)
  7. Enid Osborn (2017-2019)
  8. Laure-Anne Bosselaar (2019-2021)
  9. Emma Trelles (2021-2023)
  10. Melinda Palacio (2023-2025)